Nancy from Eastside Clover

Nancy From Eastside Clover


Nancy Valverde, an 83 year old butch Chicana Lesbian from East L.A. tells her story of police harassment that plagued her beginning in 1949 at age 17. Being thrown in jail nearly two dozen times for ‘masquerading’, a law which prohibited citizens from wearing clothing that was typically associated with the opposite gender.

Growing up poor, Chicano, a woman and a Lesbian in mid 20th century East L.A., Nancy Valverde’s life was a constant uphill battle. Complicated by the fact that she preferred the comfort of men’s clothes; a ‘misdemeanor’ crime which she was routinely arrested for. Now at age 83, Nancy’s defiance and resilience to maintain her self identity as a butch lesbian has garnered her legendary status in the Los Angeles LGBTQ community.




Gregorio Davila


Gregorio Davila (story),  Gregorio Davila


Mario J. Novoa

Director of Photography: 

Mario J. Novoa

Sound Mixer:

Mario J. Novoa

Nancy From East Side Clover + LA A Queer History teaser trailer – HD from Mario Jose Novoa on Vimeo.